Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 4th

"'Ask me nothing as yet. When we have breakfast, then I answer all questions.'" - Professor Van Helsing (pg. 347)

I was fortunate enough to be taken out for breakfast by two good friends: Adam and Abby. It's rare that I enjoy breakfast, much less take it in the company of friends. Our heroes in Dracula are dining together all the time at "our friend Jack Seward's" house.

Well we had breakfast at Al Vento, a neighborhood Italian restaurant. I had never been or even heard of it, but Adam and Abby like to go as often as they can. They had a nice brunch buffet that included all that you'd expect from a breakfast buffet only everything was a little classier and a little more Italian. They also pour all the mimosa you want.

Just like the professor we all had many questions to answer being that we hadn't gotten together for some time. It was an interview. Interview With The Vampire.

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